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Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Helping Mommy Cook

I dragged this chair into the kitchen so Bella could have a better vantage point to "help" me cook. All she wanted to do was sit on it. She would not stand up to wash her hands or to help me make dinner. She did really enjoy sitting there though.


Anonymous said...

I wish the boys would SIT in chairs. Of course it is much more fun to see if they can stand and knock them over.

Heavy On Wholesome said...

Seriously, when did she turn into a kid?!

amanda said...

She looks so much OLDER!
Keep posting! I miss reading about her and seeing her belly laughs. So cute.

Unknown said...

Oh Bella. How i love you and miss your daily additions to the dictionary. You look so grown-up "sitting" just "sitting" in that chair. Let's face it, you can learn to cook watching, just "watching." Mommy, appreciate this "sitting" time. It will be BRIEF! Tons of love from Memaw, Grama, Mom and Diane!