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Monday, February 23, 2009

Bella Laughing

Here's a little gift for those of you that have been anxiously anticipating another post. Nothing is more adorable than hearing Bella really crack up. Yesterday, I stayed home because she had a really high fever. Just before I took her to the pediatrician (she ended up having an ear infection), I was checking my work email and overheard Bella laughing hysterically around the corner from me. I watched for a minute and then grabbed the camera. Luckily I caught a really good belly laugh on camera. I think she may have been a little delirious from that fever! The really good laugh happens about two minutes into the video. For those of you that can't tell, she's playing with the dog leashes that are hanging down from some hooks on the wall--some people that saw the blog were wondering what the heck she was playing with.
It's also important to note that this laugh attack happened about two hours after she had a temperature of 102.7 and threw up all over my uniform while I was trying to give her some Motrin. It was quite a morning. Sorry that the video is sideways--I can't figure out how to rotate it.


Anonymous said...

It must be fun to have dogs!

Heavy On Wholesome said...

She's awesome! That is so cute. She is such a little girl now- long hair, belly laugh and mary jane shoes. Gosh, they grow out of babyhood so fast!

Unknown said...

Who thinks she will have any trouble ordering Capo and Foley around; do it with a giggle and a scream, Bella. Where has the time gone. Little number 7, you are another energizer bunny. Luv and mmmm, kisses! from Memaw and Grama.