Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Monday, January 1, 2007

The Proud Parents!

This was New Year's Eve. We had just found out we were pregnant a few weeks before.

1 comment:

ddmother-in-lawlazz said...

Dear Lazzes,

Bambinolazz, soon-to-be, Isabella Juliet, all 13+oz. of her, is sooo beautiful (of course!). Thank you for letting us all see everything. Love those maternity clothes, it's so much fun to rotate those great outfits for the next 132 days...this is the part you will forget in the years to come. What is memorable is this precious little (a coke can??)darling who will bring so much her Mom...and Dad!! All I can say is that I'm overjoyed to be the Grama, mother, and mother-in-lawlazz!!

Tons of LOVE to all..even the animals (can't you make Bugaboo do that??) from me!

P.S.- No wonder Jacque is so busy, too!! Congratulations to her!!
